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NO NUMBERED RUNWAYS  is the third book in the COAST DOG TRILOGY. Each chapter (there are 10) tells the story of a British Columbia Pioneer aviator's contribution to an amazing history of aviation on the BC coast. Ginger Coote, for instance, made love to every woman he met after spending his youth in WWI trenches. He flew seaplanes when he wasn't making that "Me Too" hisory; had highly publicized paternity suits against him and left a history of entrprenurial dealings that left him famous but broke. He died in a rubber room from too many sips of the grape—try that one for openers. 

ISBN 978-0-9950292-2-4

No Numbered Runways by Jack Schofield

SKU: 632835642834572
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  • A softcover book, highly illustrated with rare photographs from history on the BC coast when there was no ADIS, no tower, and NO NUMBERED RUNWAYS

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