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Back in 1934, the Soviet intelligence agencies were very pleased with the work of their master spy code named, "Otto". He had recruited John Cairncross, Anthony Blunt, Donald McLean, Kim Philby and Guy Burgess as"sleeper spies" - they became known as the infamous Cambridge Five. These traitors held high positions within MI-6, Britain's prestigious intelligence outfit, and kept Stalin's Kremlin well informed with classified data throughout the Second World War and into the Cold War era.

Little Kate is Otto's other plan. The master spy has groomed a young child to grow up as a dedicated communist, to join those five British traitors as a spy for Russia. Along the way, something went amiss - you could say that Kate's piano got in the way. Little Kate is destined for fame as a concert pianist. Neither Otto nor MI-6 can figure whose side she is on while Kate simply claims to be onside with Beethoven. 

The Dangle

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