FLIGHTS OF A COAST DOG by JACK SCHOFIELD has been republished four times and keeps motoring on as the definitive coastal aviation story. It is the key publication in the Coast Dog Series TRILOGY. The book won a BC Book Award and became a bestseller for the past 20 years. The Trilogy is made up of this book plus two other best sellers by Schofield—COAST DOGS DON'T LIE and NO NUMBERED RUNWAYS.
ISBN 978-0-9950292-0-0
Flights of a Coast Dog—A Pilot's Log
All of the TRILOGY are softcover and vary in page numbers up to 180 pages with many photographs and the author'spen sketches to illustrate the dynamic flying stories. These are books about people more than stick and rudder stuff . You can buy the individual title or the set of three. The TRILOGY are packaged together and mailed by parcel post priced to your mailing address.